Blog Post 6

In this episode we see the merging of both teams into ONE, something that nobody saw coming. I think in every episode we have seen the relationship of verbal and Non verbal communication amongst the group members. In this episode we had a scene where Josh and Baylor have a conversation in which he asked her if they were still good and she says yes knowing that deep inside they are not, Later Baylor decides to talk to her mom about the situation and tells her that she must tell Josh that she is voting him off. Baylor plays it off very well because she left Josh thinking everything was okay even though things weren’t really that way.

Julie in this episode is hating her stay at the Island and is showing it by making the worst mistakes, she steals her tribes food and later is caught which has people talking about how selfish she is by taking the groups food for herself. Julie is having a hard time communicating with her group about her feelings and everyone just see’s her as a selfish person which is making it harder for her. She decides to quit the show and leaves many shocked at why she would just give up the opportunity of being on the show.

Tensions between certain people are arising and it all depends how they communicate from here on to survive the show or they are putting themselves at risk to be the next one to be voted of the show. You don’t want to be talking bad about other people or making bad expressions towards them because that will just eventually get you on their bad side and we all know what happens when someone isn’t the favorite on the team.