Blog Post #6

What skill area and specific skills (discussed throughout chapter) are your strongest?

I believe that a specific skill discussed in this chapter that I would consider to be strong is implementing a vision. In my opinion, the person articulating  the vision  does not have to be the person implementing the vision. In the leadership positions that I have had, I can think of several instances in when a vision was articulated by one person and implemented by another. I truly believe in the idea that you shouldn’t ask someone to do something that you wouldn’t do. I think that because of that, I often model and exert the vision at hand for those I am working with. Also, after recently reflecting on my relationships with others, I find myself able to set expectations high for others in the way that I build a relationship with them. Because I have a strong focus for my relationships, I am able to have a good relationship with others, yet still gain the respect when needed to be an authoritative figure.

What skill area and specific skills (discussed throughout chapter) are your weakest and how can you build upon them?

Often times I find myself having trouble articulating a vision. I think that this is because articulation takes a lot of time a consideration. I do see myself as a detailed oriented person, however, to be completely honest, I can be a big procrastinator. I feel that articulating takes a good portion of time that I often do not give myself in these situations. I think that being more aware of my time would help me in multiple aspects of my life, including articulating visions.

What impact do you think your leadership skills could have on your role as a leader?

I think that my leadership skills could have both a negative and positive impact on my role as a leader. There are many instances were certain skills would not be applicable and could have a negative impact on you role. However, on a more positive note, leaders are made to adapt and work well in many environments, therefore I think that leaders, myself included, may have specific leadership skills and styles that we have and believe in, but we also know how to adapt to what is necessary. That alone is a skill within leaders.

Do you think some of the skills discussed in the chapter are more important in some situations compared to others? If so, explain.

I think that if you have a position in a more passive environment there are still opportunities to be in a leadership position but there may not be as many opportunities to create visions. I think that when an event planner would be a prime position that creating, articulating and implementing visions would be very important. Also, teachers would be another position in which they would be able to often and effectively use these ideas.

Do you think individuals in “lower” levels of leadership require the same skills as those in “upper” levels? Discuss

I think that positions differentiate between “upper” and “lower” because of the skill requirement or necessity that is need to complete their tasks. If both “upper” and “lower” positioned people all had the same skills there would be no differentiation. I believe that there are certain skills that should overlap between “upper” and “lower” positions, but not their entire skill sets.