Blog Post 6 Chapter 6

Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

In episode 6 they start by going back to the Orange tribe to see how Dale is adjusting to his daughter just being voted off from episode 5. Dale understands that he will be the next vote if he doesn’t do something drastic. Dale takes out his fake idol and shows Jon. Instantly you can see that Jon’s facial expression is surprised. He knows that this “idol” can mess up any plan that they had to vote Dale off next. Although words were exchanged Jon displayed facial expression (nonverbal behavior) that clearly communicated to Dale, that he might be saved next tribal council.
The first challenge in this episode was for the award of a full on meal. It was a big deal because everyone on Survivor is starving, up to this point most people have only had a cup or two a rice a day. What set this challenge apart from most was that the tribes were not allowed to communicate with their tribe members who were playing in the game. The people playing the game were blind folded and had to put together a puzzle. The tribes not being able to use any type of communication effected them greatly. It all came down to the tribe member playing the game. The only type of communication that could be used was touch, a form of nonverbal communication.
At the end of the episode the Orange team ended up going to tribal council again. And Dale is voted off due to his lying about the idol and the strategy of Jon and Jaclyn.
Claire Campagna Comm 220-02