blog post 7

Thinking about the last couple class seasons i recall the star activity which focused on the GLBT community, in this activity I was a red star. This activity was incredibly powerful  I realized that the GLBT members of society suffer not only from the community,but within families as well that may not understand that they not different but unique int their own way. Being a red star int this activity was difficult because once i found that i was alone with no one to trust or ask for help t i current help but think about people actually  going through this situation. I wondered how we as a society tend to separate the people we consider not part of the norm but most importantly the people we love and trust the most to turn away would be devastating and i don’t know if i would be able to handle a situation of that level. So now i admire the LGBT community for being open and proud of who they are even though they know they might not be accepted by the people around them, but most importantly if ever meet a GLBT individual i want to make sure they know i support who they are and i am a hand they can reach for when in need. We also got into groups for julians activity which i found helpful and a reminder of how to manage my stress because i seem to forgot when i needed the most. My group and i shared the ways we handle stress and how we each managed most of us agreed on exercising and managing our time. This reminded how important it is to manage my time and how difficult it has been  to actually get in a routine, maybe Julian can teach us how some time management strategies sometime before the semester is over. The following week we presented our presentations on the book a hope in the unseen i enjoyed learning about this particular book through the presentations and would like to actually read the book once the semester is over. Even though i didn’t read the book i feel that it was a very powerful and at the same time admirable and fascinating to know that someone that struggled so much because made it to the top. I feel that this is a book can help youth maybe in high school if added to the curriculum, because a lot of times at that age some don’t really have someone to look up too this book may give hope to the ones that may feel unseen.

As for the readings i was shocked to learn in chapter 10 that in 1951 psychiatric association added homosexuality to its mental disorders, and if we actually think about it that was not very long ago. Not only was the lgbt community labeled with metal disorders but also targeted in 1972 by the supreme court by ruling to refuse employment to homosexuality. I find the history of these individuals astonishing because like other groups that we have covered they too have struggled to be recognized as equal in our society. Like another group mentioned in the readings the feminist movements is also a group we tend to ignore but we had seen a progress in both and like the author mentioned in order to be recognized as equal we need to spread the word by educating men but most importantly young kids that will eventually grow up and become the next generation.  The article Lipstick and lab coats was very interesting as well learning that their is such a low amount of women pursuing math really got to me but i feel that the article really highlighted that teachers focus more on boys more then girls which eventually makes sense why less women pursue math, simply because we weren’t prepared as much.

Why do teachers prefer boys in the math fields then girls?

Why do women have to pretend they are less knowledgeable to others when they are part of the STEM field?

How can we teach kids to not become bias against the LGBT community?