Blog Post # 7

Claire Campagna Comm 220-02

Chapter 9 Structured and Creative Problem Solving in Group

In episode 7 the two tribes merge into one. Having the two tribes merge, it changed the game completely. The main problem that occurred in this episode was when Julie decided to keep some trail mix to herself, and when the the rest of the survivors were getting hungry they found them. In Julies mind she an spontaneous decision. She knew she would need the trail mix, did not think much of it, and thought she could hide it and deal with consequences later. However this spontaneous decision did make more problems for Julie. When Julie was laying out in the sun, the rest of the group found the trail mix. They were all really upset and ate some of what she had left. The group ended up making a rational decision, they thought about what Julie did considered the issues and knew that it was not right. There were some hard feeling throughout the rest of the episode and Julie could feel it. In the end Julie makes the huge decision to leave the show. This for Julie was a intuitive decision, she just felt like it was the right thing to do, her head was not in the game and she couldn’t see herself last much longer. She was the one to leave this week in episode 7. Throughout this episode there were three decision making styles displayed.

Claire Campagna