Blog Post #7

Well, tracing back to the activity we had done in class with the stars, I only kept thinking that I would hate to be the people that had to tear their whole star apart, as for me I didn’t tear much off, but I ended up tearing off a part where I had my sister and I found that difficult to comprehend and accept considering we are twins, and I would only hope she would be there to support me if that situation was true.

I really enjoyed seeing all the presentations on Hope in the Unseen. I thought it was very smart of some groups to break apart the sections not just by chapters, but by emotions and such. It is a very great read and I will definitely will recommend it to other people I know. I already have to my mother.

I very much enjoyed the reading on pro feminism, I like that he took time took acknowledge his own blind sexism. The 1st list is too familiar for some women, but hey don’t tell a guy otherwise he will come to his defense. I’m joking, but seriously as I read that first list along, I couldn’t help but think of all the men that I know that are that way. I did like his list of the solution though I do think it would be very fair to do it in the manner he listed out. In “Revving it up for the next 25 Years” I couldn’t help but notice the section that spoke about how now we need to balance out with men, because women have proved that women can do what men can do, but now to be fair we have to give a shot to men to show they can do what women do. If we could only break these gender roles and have a balance I do believe things, would be a lot easier for both of us.

1)How many men (in the class) thought you could possibly speak about pro feminism, BEFORE you read the article?

2)After reading the article (men) did you question what sexist things you may have possibly done? (this can go for the ladies as well)

3)Has your gender defined what you bring to the table? (to society, your lifestyle, the choices you make)

4) Have you ever come into a situation in your life where you had to follow the “pack” (girls do girl things and boys do boy things) because you didn’t want to be ridiculed?