Blog post 7: Ep. 8: Wrinkle in the Pain

In this week’s episode, Tribe Huyopa was very upset how Julie just quit the game. It really messed up with their plans on who was going to be voted off. Josh was terrified that he was going to get voted off so he tried to get everyone and convince the “leaders” Jon and Jaclyn to be on his side instead of Jeremy’s. Josh started convincing everyone to get Jeremy off, but Jeremy won both immunity challenges. While Jon was sent to Exile island, all the guys were very disrespectful towards all the girls- and even Jaclyn, they didn’t really acknowledge her-only when Jon was there. Jon and Jaclyn were supposed to be on the men’s side but Jaclyn started to disagree with Jon once she saw how they were treating her once he was gone. That created a big problem with knowing who was on whose side. This made it even harder to decide who to vote off. People wanted Baylor off because they said she didnt do anything, some wanted Jeremy off but he kept winning the challenges, and people disliked Alec. I was not too sure who was going to get voted off. I was kind of happy to find out that they all decided to vote off Josh. I know in this game you have to be selfish because you obviously want to win, but I felt that Josh almost thought too highly of himself and was so positive that people would rather have him on the tribe. Josh’s way for solving the problem was to get rid of all the singles that were left and have only couples in Tribe Huyopa. Josh did communicate well- or tried to with everyone in the group, but his leadership skills were not that great and he also never really won any challenges. To solve Tribe Huyopa’s problem they should at least eliminate the members that dont really help the tribe move forward instead of getting rid of the singles and keeping the couples.