BLOG POST #7 – My Tone as a Leader

Based on the scores you received on the Organizational Climate Questionnaire on page 190 of the text, what are your strengths and weaknesses regarding establishing a constructive climate for a group or organization?

My highest strengths in establishing a constructive climate for a group or organization are promoting standards of excellence and clarifying norms. My weaknesses on the other hand are providing structure and building cohesiveness. Nonetheless none of the scored dipped down into the low moderate range.

What strategies for establishing a constructive climate for a group or organization discussed in the text could you employ to improve your skills?

In order to improve my ability to provide structure I need to better help my group members understand their purpose for being in the group and I must better help group members understand their roles in the group. In order to improve my ability to build cohesiveness I must encourage my group members to respect each other’s differences and encourage group members to accept each other as unique individuals.

An important aspect of establishing a constructive climate is giving recognition to others. Is rewarding or praising others something that comes easily for you as a leader? Discuss.

I definitely not only find it easy, in fact, I find it enjoyable to recognize others with appropriate praise. I like making people feel good, smile, laugh and what not. So when they do a good job it pleases me to be able to reward and or praise them for it.