Blog Post #7 – we are one

Based on the scores you received on the Organizational Climate Questionnaire on page 190 of the text, what are your strengths and weaknesses regarding establishing a constructive climate for a group or organization?

I was pleased with my results from the questionnaire. I received a 54 which resides in the high range meaning that I try to create a constructive climate. I get all people involved and listen to everybody’s opinions. It also means I value opposing points of view as well as the opinions that are in line with the majority. I take great pride in this assessment knowing that I value all members of a group equally. By doing this, one of my strengths is creating a sense of unity and community amongst a group. One of my weaknesses that I discovered from the questionnaire is that I can become frustrated when some group members act stubborn with the majority of the group. There probably is an underlining reason why these group members act this way and it would be beneficial to talk with them privately to get a better understanding of how they feel. I could benefit more from communicating more effectively and forming relationships with group members.

What strategies for establishing a constructive climate for a group or organization discussed in the text could you employ to improve your skills?

Like I previously mentioned, forming special relationships with others is an area I can improve on which would build better communication, trust, and understanding with group members. This would also create a more productive and unified environment. Another area I could improve on is empowering others to act. Usually whenever I am leading, sometimes I tend to take control instead of sharing control which can destroy a group’s energy. Getting others involved is something that I need to improve at.

An important aspect of establishing a constructive climate is giving recognition to others. Is rewarding or praising others something that comes easily for you as a leader? Discuss.

Yes, I believe that this is one of my strengths. I love to see others succeed and to grow. I often praise others to encourage them and raise their morale. This will only motivate them to keep getting better. I try to do whatever I can to create a constructive environment.