Blog Post #8

Episode 9: Getting to Crunch Time

In this episode trust became a huge factor to the players. Everyone became obsessed with who had the idol and even Jeremy went looking for it on Exile Island. When he couldn’t find it he tried to talk to his members of his alliance to make sure the votes weren’t going toward him. Even after giving up his reward it wasn’t enough and they ended up voting him off.

The chapter that seemed to line up the most was chapter 5. Jeremy was a leader from the beginning. In the last couple episodes however it was starting to become reality that despite his charisma and honesty, that his strength in the game can make the other players lose to him at the very end. Now that he is gone it’ll be interesting to see who ends up becoming the new leader.

The one person in the episode that seemed to show interest was Reed. He is desperate to be seen as an asset to the tribe and it’ll be interesting to see if he steps up. He did all of the strategies in becoming a leader, he listens to others, found out info about Keith hiding the idol (then shared it with everyone), and often shares his opinion. I don’t think he’ll stick around long but maybe his efforts with make everyone turn focus towards someone else.