Blog Post #8

Leadership has been shown throughout the season of survivor, in each episode there is different person who showed a leadership and some were stronger than others. In episode 9 Jeremy is elected of the show and this was a smart move by the rest tribe members that remained.  Jeremy was a strong leader he had great communication skills, was a good team player and possessed good communication skills and knowledge of the game. I think that many of his team mates saw him as a threat if he remained in the show and decided to boot him out.

In survivor we see people trying to be nice to try to make it to the end, For example Natalie and Jeremy giving their reward to Jon and Jaclyn to save them in time of the votes. But we seen it before and we see it again no one is there for anyone but themselves, so at the end of the day your last day could be any day no matter what friends you make in the game or what type of leader you are, your spot in the game is not guaranteed.

Jon and Jacklyn have shown huge leadership roles for the fact that they have basically determined the outcome of the past  4 tribal councils, I don’t understand this because they are not the only couple that is left in the game for people to be listening to them or trying to win them over for their votes. Jon and Jacklyn have a big influence in the past few episodes and I think the rest of the tribe members don’t realize that there is only 2 of them, if they want to strategize they need to find a way to vote one of them off in tribal council before its too late and they take home the winning prize!