blog post #8 chapter 5

On this episode of survivor “Gettin’ To Crunch Time” the show started out with tensions higher then ever since on the last elimination contestants decided to vote out Josh leaving Reed furious and looking for a new game plan. In this episode I thought that Jeremy and Nadia showed a good example of leadership since they made the conscious decision in trading spots as the winners with John and his girl friend. I thought this was a good strategic decision for Jeremy and Nadia.

A competitor that i think has a lot of personal power would have to be John since through out this episode he has been the one that everyone has been trying to side with since he has been able to establish so much status within the group.  Another thing I been seeing a lot of is task structure within the group. I’d have to say that its more of a chaotic and disorganized form since no one really knew what what was really happening within the tribe. So when it came to elimination everyone was bumping heads and fighting with each other. Also, in this episode I thought that Nadia was the one depicting member readiness since she was the one who seemed to be the most loyal to her original alliance who was Jeremy. In my opinion I thought that Nadia was confident and very committed to Jeremy. I was very shocked to see Jeremy be the one to go home tonight and I really hope that Reed is the next to go home.