Blog Post # 8 Chapter 5

Claire Campagna Comm. 220-02

Chapter 5 Leadership

In episode eight Jon and Jaclyn seem to be the main leaders of the tribe. For a while now they have both been the focus and controllers of who gets sent home. This is because of their position in the game. They have position power because they are a couple that has been put in the middle of the the two alliances. Because they count as two votes they are desired. In this episode Jon also gains power because he finds an idol. This idol gives him personal power because it is an earned status. Jon is in a very good position so far.

Another type of leader in this episode was Josh. Josh has been a great figure throughout this season and has usually had a big say in who gets voted off. In this episode he is struggling to keep his power because now he has to deal with Jeremy and his followers. At one point he tries to keep Baylor as an alliance by using his referent power. He has this because he has helped Baylor in the past. He tries to use this to sway her opinion. In the end however Baylor is not moved and Josh is voted off.