Blog Post 9

Motivation has been an extremely important charateriitc seen in every single player but in different ways. In the second challenge, Jeff showed different plates of food in order to have the tribe members fall out. Jon is the first that give in which meand he has to give up immunity. This tactic was a means of manipulation because it is survior afterall and these players are starving and have a very low energy level.  This takes into account Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in that it plays on the pyschical and mental needs the contestants have.

Motivation can drive someone mad or drive them to success, in many cases regarding survior alot of the contestants motivate themselves for all the wrong reasons. They let there egos get in front of them or they try back stabbing everyone they can in order to make there money.  IF they were to use motivation todrive there tribe to another level than they would be able to then play the game in a different light thye would have more friendships and relationships and it would be harder for someone to backstab another.