blog post 9

During the last class session we discussed the Stem related articles in groups it was interesting to see what everyone’s opinion was about women pursuing the STEM field. Many of the questions we answered as a group are not really thought about like some women need to hide that there intelligent in order to keep their pool of mates open. We then discussed about the articles about the homeless and poor the articles touched me and really made me think about the homeless especially because we read them right before the holidays.  The tunnel of oppression was a great experience and i feel everyone should go through it because people are not really aware of the oppression around them, this may not be intentional they may think its normal because that what they grew up with. If i get the opportunity to go through the tunnel next year i will do it again and this time maybe tell more people about like the ones unaware of the event happening.

For this weeks readings i found the cycle of liberation inspirational its interesting how little changes in our lives and thinking can really make a difference and interrupt the cycle of oppression. The article mentioned that we all go through a point where we realize their needs to be change, But once we know we cant just ignore what is happening around us rather in order to change the cycle we must meet like minded people who think and feel the same in order to create the change.After always question everything rules,assumptions and the system of oppression.In the article titled Next steps the author talked about situations she herself had witnessed and how disabled and  different skin colored individuals had been made fun of and mistreated. The author explains the importance of not staying quiet if something bothers you instead say what you truly feel about the situation. By not joining the oppressive behavior we start to incorporate actions that work toward social justice.By educating ourselves about the topic we can then educate the people around us this can be done by reading, but most importantly interrupt the behavior. This can be difficult specially if no one you know really has done this and staring a trend can be difficult specially if people are not informed. For these reasons i feel the people that should be exposed to the topic of actually attacking oppression are teachers because in my opinion if they don’t know how to solve the problem how can they teach kids to act when the problem does occur. But of course parents i feel are the main source of how their children will act unfortunately most parents don’t have the knowledge about the oppression going on or how to teach it. Fortunately  this class was a guide for me to teach my child in the future and i hope by teaching him he will be less likely to fall into the cycle in the future.