Blog Post #9

Group Motivation Ch 6 5th ed.
Claire Campagna Comm 220-02

In episode nine Reed is left alone in the game for the first time, having Josh voted off last episode. Reed has a very low since of motivation due to no affection now that his couple is gone. To get himself back in the game he finds a new source of motivation, control. In order for himself to stay motivated and in the game he thinks of a plan to gain a little more control. Reed goes threw Keith’s bag and finds the directions to an idol. So Reed tells a couple people that he had one and switches the game completely. People start to think about Keith. At the end of the episode Reed gains much control when Jeremy is blind sided and set off the show. Control is shown to be a great source of motivation in this episode.
The challenge that granted individual immunity involved building a block tower using your feet only. Everyone for this challenge was motivated by control. Not only did the game involve a huge amount of control but if you win you have control over the next tribal council. Baylor out of all people won this challenge due to her great focus and control.