Blog Post #9 Chapter 6

In the episode “This Is Where We Build Trust” the members don’t seem to know who to get rid of when it comes to elimination. A sense of choice came up in this episode when in the end of the episode all the game members had to chose for one of the contestants to leave. When they cased their vote they all chose who ever they felt like eliminating. When Jon and his group won the challenge  reward they showed a sense of competence by hugging each other and showing that they did good. I think that the group deserved winning because in the end they pushed to win the challenge and it was fair. The reward for the challenge winner was helping the kids of Nicaragua by giving them baseball equipment. The food and helping the kids from Nicaragua was fair because it showed that the group members were thankful to be able to have the game filmed there. The group members also won the challenge and food was fair enough to have after winning. Material compensation was meaningful for the kids.

In the challenge that the group had to face Jon felt so secure to not be eliminated so he quit the game for some candy. He received punishment in my opinion because he was almost eliminated and if it wasn’t for him using the idle Jon would of been out. This episode was full of surprises and I cant wait who wins the game.