blog post #9 chapter 6 5th edition group motivation

In this weeks episode of survivor things were intensified with the few contestants remaining.  This episode contained a few  examples of how group motivation was attempted but in my opinion they didn’t really end up working out the way some people had planned it. For example, when the group was put up on small platforms they all showed the motivator “sense of choice”(pg 7). I thought that every last one of them had the power and ability on how to complete the task that they had. Unfortunately even though they were all able, all but Reed quite over a plate of food. I was amazed to see the contestants throw away the money over a small plate of food.

Since Jeff Probst was the one who was handing the contestants the food I would say he was the satisfier in this episode since he was the one who was able to satisfy the contestants need for food. Another term that was depicted in the episode was “A sense of meaningfulness”(pg 7) since everyone felt that they were all after a worthy task other wise they wouldn’t be doing the show to begin with.

Although the contestants started the first challenge with intentions of winning the second John saw the plate of sweets i thought that he instantly turned into an apathetic member of the group. I was surprised to see how easily John quite the challenge. Of all people i didn’t expect to see john as the first one to quite. By the end of the episode I thought  that there was a lot of informational feed back for the contestants since after all the chaos that happened in the episode they were able to see how they were doing in the game. Overall, I Honestly didn’t see Wes going home tonight. I thought it was a real blind side for him and this episode was a very entertaining one for me to watch.