Blog Post number 9

The latest episode is all about motivation, reward challenge was based around motivation. The reward challenge this episode rewarded the winning team with a charitable donation as well as a break from the games. It gave players motivation to win to do good a good thing for other people as well as for themselves. They showed not only personal motivation for victory but motivation driven by the knowledge that their efforts would have great meaning to bring joy to other people. However it seems kinda pointless to me when I think about it, that donation was going to happen either way regardless if anyone wins so the players were not really motivated by the thought of others receiving the gift but by the thought of the pleasure it would bring for them to be the ones to give it them. So their motivation was really personal and self serving and not as selfless as it seemed at first.

Secondly the immunity challenge was a huge play on personal motivation, by pitting players against each other as well as their own desires they revealed who was truly motivated to win the game and who was motivated by self satisfaction. Many players gave in to temptation of food, their motivation for the immediate reward of sweets, food and drinks winning out over their motivation to win be closer to winning the game. On the other hand some player knew they stood no chance or their need for food was so great that their motivation for immunity was no where near enough to overcome the challenge coupled with stress of the challenge.  Motivation for winning once again shines through as all group members band together in groups to deceive one another for voting a member off of the island.