Blog post numero 6

Last week Julian made me realize i was neglecting my writing by not creating an outline before writing an essay. Even i was thought how to create an outline i find myself skipping it because i feel its less work ,but in the end i realize i take longer writing a paper and my grade is lower. So i will be working on my outlines now before actually writing a paper  because this lesson made me realize that in the long run its worth it. After we got into groups and did a couple different activities focusing our attention to a minority group we tend to ignore the disabled. I really enjoyed every activity and i feel that us actually trying to put ourselves in their shoes is exactly  what more people need to do in order to actually get an idea of what people with disabilities actually go through on a daily basis. My favorite activity was the wheelchair because i never realized how difficult it is just to push the chair around let alone do everything in a wheelchair, it opened my eyes. Ironically at the same time i was confused because i realized that even though i may be trying to be kind and offer to maybe open the door for someone in a wheelchair they may take it the wrong way and maybe get offended. As i was in the chair i noticed how people would stare ,at that moment i could only think about what goes through their mind in a moment when eyes connect. I found myself avoiding eye contact in my situation i felt a little embarrassed and looked down upon  by others and honestly didn’t want to keep doing the activity anymore. Now i imagine having to go through this everyday actually being permanent and not having the same resources as everyone else does is extremely difficult and i can honestly say i admire anyone who may be going through a similar situation, but i still wonder how can i help without offending them?

In this weeks reading we partially focus on women who decide to pursue a career in the stem field and the gender gaps that still exist and how they negotiate gender while pursuing the field. The article Lipstick and lab coats was very informative i never realized how low the number of  women in fields like technology, math, science and engineering was and how people really seem surprised when a women actually pursues it. Looking back i can only recall one women in one of my classes mentioning she was a math major and like the article said people are amazed and i was, but most interestingly the article mentioned a lot of the women pursuing this field are Indian and she was Indian. This made me realize Indian women and families really value family so maybe that’s why they pursue it because they have strong bond with them. We also focused on the LGBT community and its history and how they till this day are discriminated and like minority groups are looked down upon and are fighting for rights, But i never thought of them as a minority as well but to me it seem they are because they go through similar struggles like minority groups do. The history was very interesting because in order to actually consider  LGBT first a  man named Mathew Sheppard was killed then it was consider serious.    Till today some LGBTs don’t want to identify themselves with the LGBT label because they are afraid of rejection.