Blog post#9

Motivation in survivor plays a big role in the players because it could be the reason why people either make it to the end or leave early. I think in the past we have seen how some players don’t have motivation to stay in the game because the person they came with now have been voted off the team. In this episode we see in one of the challenges that food is put in front of the players to make them weak instead of motivating them to stay holding longer on the post mostly all failed because they all were starving from not having the nutrition they needed.

In this episode just like in the past we saw the categories of group motivation take place. A sense of choice is seen in every episode when the groups have time to talk to each other and make decisions or express their opinions especially during tribal council when every group member has the opportunity to vote who ever they feel should be on the show any longer, like in this episode when Wes is voted off the show.

We also saw the sense of progress when the yellow team takes the win this makes the group feel like theres some type of progress going on because during this season the blue team has been taking the most wins so when yellow takes a win they feel proud that they have made progress from how they have placed in the past. Also in every episode we see this when a tribe would win and they would be rewarded.  It not only motivated them to do better in the next challenge but it gave them also a sense of meaningfulness because they felt like what they were going had a purpose and that was moving on to the next step and making it all the way to the end.