Blog reflection

1) on a scale of (1-5) I feel as though I deserve a four, I did turn in one assignment a couple of hours late, however my timeliness and consistency was definitely a strong point that helped me through this class.  I also wrote about the show and connected it to class readings, which shows a certain degree of knowledge in regards to the course as well as the all around participation with keeping up with the shows and analyzing the key events.

2)  Throughout this course I replied to atleast one of my peers every week, therefore I give myself a 5. However I felt I could have written better comments, more engaging comments than I did.

3) I would rate myself a 4, I did integrate class teachings into my questions but I felt as though they lacked a sense if engagement because I didn’t get any replies from my peers.

4) My strengths in regards to blogging stemmed from a basic knowledge if how to navigate a blog.  Writing is something that I take my joy and pride in, it allows me to demonstrate my opinions in times where I don’t usually voice my thoughts. My strengths were analyzing and summarizing the show with a certain amount of depth and still managing to integrate key concepts from class.  This blog allowed for me to not only get other perspectives (Which I take as a strength) but it also allowed me the opportunity to brushes up on class teachings where I may have missed a certain concept. All around this demonstrated the perfect example of how to integrate computer literacy with the class room.

5) I feel as though I couldn’t do anymore to improve my blogging and participation, I made comments every week and turned in my assignments on time. However next time I should concentrate more on integrating key concepts from the book into the show.

6) I like blogging because it’s another outlet to learn about your course work through the eyes of your peers, and it allowed for me to voice my opinion and let myself be heard.7) There were times when it was hard to see any correlation between the book and the show. Also, personally  it was a challenge to stay disciplined and blog every week or catch the show on time.

8) I feel as though this is a great connection and the topics taught in class were definitely evident. However sometimes I felt as though this could have been an essay due at the end of the semester, connecting topics from the book to survivor in general it would be easier on the students but would ultimately get rid of the participation. Nonetheless I feel as though our survivor blogs were definitely a great way to see connections between the class and an outside course as we’ll as communicate with our peers.