Blog Reflection

1) About a 4, I did miss one blog post, but all others were completed on time.

2) 3, I did forget to comment on a peer’s blog a few times.

3) 5, I made sure that I integrated the various concepts from the assigned chapter to my blog posts and elaborated on the concepts and how they were employed.

4) I think I did a very good job at analyzing the show through our class concepts and making connections between the assigned chapters and Survivor episodes.

5) My participation could have been improved by just being more aware when the blog posts were due. A couple blog posts caught me by surprise so I had to do them at the last minute. I also could have commented on more of my peer’s blogs to increase my participation.

6) I think it was a pretty easy way to log our ideas and record our ideas about the text and Survivor. Being able to see others’ posts as well was a different way to see how they interpreted the show and different concepts from the text.

7) The blogs really didn’t seem like they had much to do with the class other than relating Survivor to our text which could have been done pretty thoughtlessly. I think if the blogs were integrated and discussed in class more they would have gained more attention.

8) I think the commenting on peer’s blogs was somewhat irrelevant. Most comments weren’t thoughtful or very thought provoking, just simple statements to get the participation credit.