Blog-reflection & participation-survivor blog 02

1. I missed a few blogs but the blogs I did, I turned in on time but since I missed a few, I would give myself a (3).

2. I am going to say a (3) again because sometimes I would forget about leaving a comment. That really hurt me and it was a really easy thing to do so I was pretty frustrated every time I remembered about it the next day. It would have taken me a whole 3 minutes and since I don’t have internet access at my house, I should have made sure that everything got done using the internet at Starbucks. A lesson was learned on writing down all of the things I need to do so I won’t forget.

3. I always integrated class concepts into my blogs. The only thing that probably ended up hurting me a lot was the fact that when I would miss one, I would do that chapter’s concepts the next week for the following episode. So they didn’t always match up. I would say a (4). My strengths do not match up to the amount of weaknesses I had. One of my strengths however was the way I can describe and relate the concepts in the book and what type of situations developed in the shows through their communication. My weaknesses were described in my last 3 answers. Mostly promptness, not being prepared and poor participation as far as the comments go. As for participation in class, I think I was pretty active.

5. I enjoyed blogging and it was a great learning experience for me. It was sort of a challenge due to my internet access but overall I thought it was a great tool.

6. What I enjoyed about blogging  was the freedom. It gave me a chance to say everything that I wanted to say. I tend to over analyze things and kind of ramble so having the freedom to write a little bit more than expected was great or me. I always enjoy describing and relating,  so I was able to get all I needed to say. That was necessary for me to compare and contrast using concepts from the book.

7. What I didn’t like about blogging was the fact that it was an online assignment. For most people, this is a positive aspect but for me,again, I have a hard time with internet access. I also am much better when I am told how and what to do in class with instructions on a tangible piece of paper. It sounds a little ridiculous but I am better when I have the teacher there in front of me to talk to and ask questions.

8. I would suggest not having as many and being more lax on the deadlines. Not everyone has internet access all of the time and I do not think that should be a factor in grading the blogs.