Blog Session 12

After reading the online reserves I had an Interesting thought. Art is extremely powerful form of propaganda. I was thinking that if someone is watching the news, or a television show or other types of media the use words it is easier to influence how they think. However when someone views a pience of art, with no words it allows them to try and interpret the meaning on their own. In this class we have been told that in order to be media literate you need to think for yourself and not just believe everything you hear. I believe art allows people to do that. I understand that propaganda can obviously influence people, however Ron English was my favorite artist of all. Although all these artists are rebels and controversial, I enjoyed his political ads. English did many ads going against the biggest corporations like apple, camel cigarettes, and coke. I think his art will let allow people who may not be media literate to understand the deeper message in his art. Ron English controversial posters are easy to interpret and allow people to instantly recognize the deeper meaning which I enjoy. The second reserve i enjoyed was “Dismaland” by Banksy . As I started to watch the video I noticed right away that only white people were in the entire film. The only time there were people of other race was when it looked like he was making fun of the It’s a small world ride when it looked like black slaves were crammed in a boat. His purpose of this film did not hit me until I finished watching when i understood his message. Until today i never realized that all disney characters are white.  I can not think of one Disney princess of another race. When I tried to think of any colored disney character it was either an animal or a villain, like Ursula from little mermaid. I am surprised that even after being in this class all year i never realized how practically all Disney characters are white.

The other artist I enjoyed was Shepard Fairey who is the artist for the Obey brand. I actually have a shirt by him and wore it without even realizing the deeper message. I appreciate his controversial art as well. However I feel his art is so beautiful and dynamic that it takes away from the message. Ron English’s political and controversial art is so simple that you can not ignore it. It is right in your face for even a person who is not media literate could see. This is why I personally preferred English. However Fairey art is more complex with much more details. Altough his messages in his art may not be as obvious I appreciate his how he discusses political controversies and other important news in his works.

For the Sternheimer reading on Chapter 9 I feel that media, pop culture have a huge influence over the youth when it comes to drinking and smoking.  When I was a little girl i always looked up to Britney Spears, Mandy Moore and other celebrities. I used to try and copy their outfits and do anything  I could to be like them. Nowadays young kids have the media tools to follow their idols daily on instagram and twitter. Miley Cyrus is constantly posting pictures half naked, smoking weed and other outrageous acts. Although i personally like her I understand how she can have a negative influence over young girls especially. In this chapter they discuss how smoking cigarettes in becoming less popular, however I think that smoking marijuana has probably skyrocketed even since the 60’s. I believe that media has a large influence over children. Therefor  movies such as “Pineapple Express” or TV show like Weeds may encourage teens and young adults to smoke. I feel that because marijuana is becoming much more socially accepted TV shows and Movies use it to their advantage for profit. Since more characters are “stoners” on television it allows more and more viewers to be influenced, or at least want to try it.

In conclusion, it again is clear that media has the power to influence. Some want to have a positive influence like the controversial artists, and some use media and propaganda just for money and profit.