
Unfortunately I was not able to attend class last friday due to a personal matter. However, I would have liked to hear those personal stories that we all have to share in regards to the struggles and barriers that we have all overcome. I would now like to  share a little part of my persona and my identity that I talked about in my paper. I wrote about the fact that I am Mexican and how I, my family, and society view me in many different ways. I mainly focused on the way I was treated throughout my education career. But one thing that I have learned is that all those people  have tried to make me feel guilty and ashamed of who I am as a person. They do not accept the fact that I have the same rights as they do to better my life. And I am achieving this dream by putting my greatest effort into my education. One person that I really owe it to is my mother. She brought me into this country at the age of 6 and raised me and my other five siblings all by herself. I thank God for putting such a wonderful woman in my life.  We all have different identities, but under God we are all brothers and sisters. And sometimes we forget that….

This weeks reading, Explaining White Privilege to a Broke White Person,  was  interesting because without knowing it the “White” individual possesses rights that are seen on a daily basis in our society.  The author states that the fact that were are born into things such as citizenship, class, gender, and not earned puts some people at an advantage. White individuals can roam the streets without being targeted by police officers since they know that they will cause no harm simply because they were born into a wealthy family. On the other hand if a Bald Latino or an African- American is walking out on the streets that is a sign of danger. And those are the kind of people that a police officer will focus their attention on more often. But I ask myself. What about the school shootings? Most of them where white folks were they not? What happened to having this stereotype that they were born in a healthy and wealthy home? They should not be having mental disorders right? They have all the money and happiness in the world don’t they? The police officers were sure surprised to see that it was not a Latino or African-American that was carrying a gun to school. Also I can relate this to the shooter Elliot Roger that went on shooting sprees in Isla Vista, California next to the UCSB campus. I once again bring up my point, the shooter was White. I read in the newspaper that this individual did not have his apartment searched by police  due to the fact that he looked harmless and a good citizen. However, the Police officers did not know that this young man possessed guns and would go on a rampage on the evening of May 2014. I think police officers should attend matters like this more seriously, and not just come across different cases and take different actions on a “suspect” simply by their skin color.