Blood Is Blood

I think that listening plays a major role in all the episodes of Survivor. They need to listen to eachother to keep everything going smoothly and communicate with one another to prevent voting a tribe member off.

I don’t like when Jeff asks members from other tribes what they think about another member going home, because they don’t know how that tribe works or their reason for voting someone off. It really bothers me!

Getting new tribes, the members are really going to have to listen to eachother to learn the new routines. The tribe members need to listen to understand so that they can grasp the meaning of tribe members’ spoken and nonverbal messages. Dale is trying to tell Missy and Baylor that they are making way too much rice. Missy and Baylor just ignore him because Baylor did things differently in her tribe. They do not listen to him and then Kelley steps in to tell her dad that a scoop of rice is not worth getting mad about because it could get you voted out because people do not want to listen to you.

It was expected that since Coyopa has more couples on it now, that they would have an easier time with their challenges because couples should be better at working together and listening to one another. Instead, Hunahpu won even though they have more single members on their tribe.

When trying to decide who to vote off their tribe, members are going to one another to create alliances and agree to vote the same person off. Members are also remembering that Baylor got others to vote someone off before and then switched her vote to someone else, so they no longer trust her.

I think now that Coyopa has 3 couples and 1 single, it will be very difficult when someone is voted off because the other partner in the relationship is not going to be happy with the rest of the group.