Blood is blood

Hunahpu definitely thought tribal was a learning experience.
Coyopa does not think (well Alec thinks) that Drew has not gotten voted off but he and his tribe are in for a surprise.
Everyone is surprised and Alec thinks Hunahpu thought Drew was a threat.
To start off , members are going to switch tribes. Daughter with mother, gf with bf, bf with bf, father and daughter.
Keith is the lone single in the new Coyopa tribe and he believes to be a target amongst the 3 pairs. Josh and his bf are the only pair amongst singles in Hunahpu which he still thinks will not affect his voting.

The new Hunahpu has realized there is no food and Jeremy definitely thinks hes the new target.
The new Coyopa tribe has just found their food stash which they are extremely happy. Jon definitely needs Jaclyn because he was on the verge of a breakdown which will probably make them stronger. Baylor is with her mother but is pretty jealous of Jon and Jac’s relationship.
Keith is the odd man out but is happy he has an idol for stability.
Alec has new confidence because he thinks he beat Drew since he got eliminated. Jeremy thinks Alec needs to pull away from Josh and reed because if they have to choose someone to eliminate they think it will definitely be Alec.
Dale is monitoring the rice usage while Baylor and Missy are getting frustrated. Dale thinks Missy is a self-centered bitch and should not be eating so much rice at one time (because its his tribes food and they need to preserve). He also thinks she is acting like she is Queen B now.
Hunahpu has only 2 days of food left and everyone is getting pretty lethargic. They are now desperate in which Alec thinks they should trade a reward.
Time for immunity challenge:
Hunahpu started with a huge lead while Coyopa was really behind.
Tribe of strangers has worked together better compared to a group of loved ones. Hunahpu won with an extreme lead and now has immunity.
I believe Hunahpu is the leading tribe this season, they work together even with different members and they have a great attitude towards one another.

Jeff said he would come to the Hunahpu tribes camp to have a trade for more rice.
It is scramble city with the coyopa tribe
Dale and Kelley choose Jon and Jacqlyn want to get Baylor and Missy out. The couple are trying to get to know all the members before they pick their victims. Jaclyn is worried that Baylor will switch on her again so shes still unsure. Jon and Jac have told both the mother/daughter and father/daughter that they are on their sides.
ultimately the whole tribe thinks that it sucks either way to vote out someones loved one.
decision was made and unexpectedly to me Kelley was voted out. I was so surprised because i thought it would be Baylor but that wasn’t the case.