Blood V. Water episode 1

Group development played a role when the shows creators were deciding what to do with the show; which was pinning family members and loved ones against each other. I thought this was very interesting because we knows what happens when compatible people come together in a group, tasks are accomplished successfully.  Just to remind you of some of the factors that are considered when you are talking about group development, like the stages of group development (forming,storming,norming,performing,adjourning), group goals (ask yourself the six C’s-Clarity,Challenge,Commitment,Compatibility, Cooperation,Cost), group norms (implicit,explicit, procedural,status,achievment) as well as rewards and motivators(meaningfulness,choice,competence,progress).  All of this information has a point I promise!

So as the first episode went on and everyone split up from their loved ones two teams formed; The Hanahpu(blue) and Coyopa(orange). On the blue team is Drew – 25, Sales Rep,Jeremy – 36, Firefighter, Jon – 26, Financial Assistant, Julie – 34, Owner of Spray Tan Business, Keith – 53, Fire Captain, Kelley – 28, Marketing Manager, Missy – 47, Owner of Cheerleading Gym, Natalie – 28, Crossfit Coach, Reed – 31, Broadway Performer. On the orange team is Alec – 22, Student, Baylor – 20, Student, Dale – 55, Farmer, Jaclyn – 25, Media Buyer, John – 39, Former MLB Pitcher
Josh – 32, Actor, Nadiya – 28, Crossfit Coach, Val – 35, Police Officer, Wes – 23, Firefighter.

As the first challenge begun preconceived expectations that have been in place for each individual about each of the other players based on first impressions, or in John’s case he was a professional baseball player so people had already seen him in a certain way. So these assumptions made it hard for players to work together and really get to know each other. You started to see right off the bat that some of the contestants were trying to advance to the storming stage (choosing roles essentially) and some were still in the forming stage. It makes it difficult when the external rewards are so heavy in this show and the consequences of not bonding is elimination. So group development is, I believe, a little difficult under these particlar circumstances.

A time where some were already in another stage than others was on the orange team when Dale, the oldest member on the team, started a fire and that was his role but when he tried to interject in something other than fire others said he was “too old” or “couldn’t connect with anyone because he was too old”. Dale conformed to the idea of just being the fire guy and leaving other challenges to the younger men or he faces non conforming which is being eliminated and on Survivor that’s really bad!

The last thing I wanted to discuss was about the elimination round, they voted Natalie off because she was too big of a threat; I believe if they had kept in mind the overall goal of winning Survivor it would be easier with competent and capable to get further and win more challenges therefore making it easier for you to survive as long as possible. So basically I don’t think they really understand how groups work and a way to make it work better more towards one way or the other( more towards yourself or for everyone and in the case of survivor it’s more beneficial towards the individual).