Blood vs Blood

In episode five of Survivor things were shaken up when the tribes were switched leaving completely new tribes, the Hunaypu with four singles and one couple while the Coyopa has four couples and one single which may create tension in the new tribes with such differences. To listen in groups one must accommodate for another which is not happening in the Hunaypu tribe between Dale and Missy; Dale being over controlling with the rice but on the other side Missy is not taking into mind the idea of rationing in order to last out the remaining days. Before the tribes had found their flow but the Coyopa tribe has it easier with so many couples, already creating a bond not only within the individual couples but as a group of couples with one singular person being left out creating a sense of vulnerability. Despite the false sense of securities among the couples in Coyopa different sets of couples have different agendas, having trust issues with most of the new tribe. Jon and Jackyln go around getting the opinions of all of the other couples individually in order to decide where there vote will lie, listening before they leap to a rash decision without supporting comments from all sides.

Throughout the tribal council with Coyopa there was only defensive listening happening, more and more people not listening but only defending themselves and their loved ones when they felt attacks were taking place. Most of the time there was no listening in order to interpret meaning but only to create more attacks against any tribe member. Ultimately the attacks against each other worked out to no one’s advantage but instead created tension that will last through the coming episodes. In the end the defensive listening, although did not work, did have a close vote between Baylor, Dale, and Kelly who were the main focus of the attacks.