Blood VS Water

they have these couples and family members separate which will bring out tension between members of kin and team members. They immediately make a couple go against their spouse for the “true test of blood vs water.” Its already emotional!

The punishment is to go to exile island. They are going to miss out on very critical group development periods. They are not going to know what conformity is essential to survive in the group.

Immediately one of the twins on the blue team wants to flaunt that he is in charge, since he did make the shelter alone. Making this lead positive but there is a bit of tension brought on by the baseball girlfriend. This will be bring tension on later on.

On the orange team there seems to be a age difference that creates a clique with all the younger people. Leaving the farmer alone and the outsider. He saves himself by creating a fire when no one else could. This creates his status as a possible Provider and making him essential to everyone’s survival.

When the orange team has to start discussing who is getting voted out they begin to form alliances which is going to bring tension out within the tribe. They leave the gay guy in the middle as the swing voter. That gives him an essential status to have on your side.