Blood Vs. Water Episode 2

In this Survivor episode we see cooperation within groups rising for the Adults or the Blue team while the Yellow team with the teens and few adults are breaking. The method used in the teen is teen mentality. Use your head on who was the worst by standard and vote them out. Adults are doing fine because they understand and respect each other by default on how each person is and even if they lose they know it was not because on purpose but they lacked potential to a certain challenge. The teens however focus on who is best at challenge and who is “skeptical”, “sketchy” and try to compromise who votes out. The Blue team is winning because they put their hardest even when emotions come and sway their way from focusing.

At the end of the episode John votes Val. out because he lost her trust but promises made were also broken by this action. It also makes a statement to this team that they only are using by who is best and worst not who is efficient and cooperative in the game.

Though it was as expected from the previous episode Val only had one so there is no way to have two but the teens took those words and pined it against Val.

In comparison to Chapter 3 of the text I saw one big thing play out more than then the rest. That was Team or Member Assertiveness. Like stated before Val lies to John and John takes that as an offense and votes Val out. It makes Val playing as a risk taker and trying to make it so she can survive but it also gives John the notion that he does not want to waste his mini idol for Val and keeps it for himself.

But earlier you can clearly see that the group needs  were met. Members Confidence drops when Hunapu fails to win yet another match and for member roles each member of the group now associates with a certain role. For example Josh thinks of himself as the balance, a mediator, for his male and female team members.

But again the biggest thing that I believe that will play out till the next episode is John take this assertiveness to another level.