Blood vs. Water Episode 3

“Chopping Block” it is a very grim beginning for an episode. I foretold that someone in the orange tribe was going to be voted out. As i watched tons of skeptical issues showed up for the orange tribe. And at last the one person who was caring less for the image he has brought to his tribe. John. was voted out in the end. But before we go to that let me discuss one thing about an issue that was brought up in this episode. Sportsmanship. Sometimes playing it cool is good but other time that cool can turn cold when you can’t maintain an image of what others can see you as. As the two tribe scream at each other John decides to take action and try to swing people to vote for Baylor. Which in turn dug his own grave and gets voted out.

Chapter 8, group C’s presentation chapter, talks about Group conflict.

On this episode/ episode 3 Yet again Hunapu loses. and Coyopa takes the Immunity Idol. Now with stakes running so high to who is needed in the team many suspected John. The two teams go tooth and nail against each other from seeing Val. being voted out. They found out about Johns’ past and now a harsh conflict within both two tribes and Johns own tribe internally.

John goes for the “Compromise” strategy. He tries to swing his members to vote with him. Trying to make sure that he can make his plan work.  but as stated before he takes it too far and gets voted out.  On the other hand, or in another view point, the girls , the two left, are fighting their own war front among the guys. with the member diversity gender plays a huge role and the girls are afraid their role being female will just knock them out of the competition one by one.

I do not believe Hunapu is going to recover that quickly. Their group cohesion is off and their group mentality is faltering.  And few members of the group is looked upon as a hindrance rather than an asset. Therefore it is not look too good for the orange team.