Blood Vs. Water Episode 5

The horror! The woe. If we are to speak of chapter 7 with this episode this is a terror I knew was going to happen.

First of on Blood vs. water the teams are split again this time some reuniting with their loved ones the rest are singled out.
but thats the mental control. A puppeteering of lives and fate.
By putting them together with loved once will shroud their conciousness and blind them from working together. And thus the feud of families begin. One pair going after another and the result is Kelly voted out.

In chapter 7 we talk about listening. How curcial it is to listen how different form and different people listen. And if that was not enough the listening for differences is hard for many people.

With that stated there is a dark tide amongst both members of each tribe and a success does not feel like a success at all. It feels more like a puppet play at this point for me.