Blood vs. Water Episode 6: Loyalty vs Royalty.

First the chapter. Chapter 6 is about Nonverbal and verbal communication. Simply stated it about how you communicate either by words or body language.

Hunapu wins again and again and Coyopa is dying out. And the most twisted thing about that losing team is how they are “teaming” up with certain people. Missy and Baylor one of the most winiest group wants to kick all of Dale’s line of power. Dale wants what i feel like him saying the “B” word to both Missy and Baylor wants one of them out for revenge. John and his girlfriend are again in the middle with Keith just holding up by the straw.

3 things happened in this episode.

1. Keith starts to act restless, his hand motions are more frantic, he rubs his beard more often and is always cringing at the sight of loss or word of tribal council.

2.  Dale’s eyes go wide in rage to hear Baylor retorting to his defense of how loyal he is and Baylor also her eyes widen when John’s girlfriend retorts that Baylor has been in royalty mood and acting such a princess.

3. And lastly the tears. Baylor starts crying with empathy of how she states “if my mom cries i start crying too….she was going to cry and so I ball”

Most nonverbal communications are seen as body language and verbal is by words. But in communication using both shows the true side. Words alone will not make you be trust able. And body language is ambiguous.

Thus Keiths action were unseen. Dales words stabbed himself on the back, and Baylors action got John and his girlfriend’s attention and Missy’s ready to tear also caught everyone’s attention.

Did i mention in Hunapu that Julie’s words and behavior has shown her true side and thus that is both nonverbal and verbal communication used  exactly on how one portraits themselves? :3