Blood Vs. Water Episode 8: Wrinkles and folds.

Episode 8 and Chapter 5. Leadership, power, control and of trust.

In episode 8 Coyopa, The Yellow faction for this episode wins immunity. Since the paring was Jeremy on one end and Josh  on the other end. When the Jersey’s team won it threw yet another curve ball at Josh because Josh wants to control the group and Jeremy is the leader. They win the templing building challenge and Jeremy’s team wins the game. John is voted out and Jacquil is stomped by everyone acting cruel to her.

In chapter 5 we see the situational model by Hersey Blanchard and effectiveness of leadership by Fiedler both speaking on how leaders to members and of how the models work by structure speak yet another sub section called the 5 M. model, motivate, manage, make  and mentor to his or her members.  Out of all this category the most apparent one is model and management.  Two groups one lead by Jeremy who organizes his groups by his trust, the other by Josh who is organizing by mind and assets.

Returning to the episode it is game 2 and its now time to some brain and memorization work. And the most amusing part is the last two standing were Josh and Jeremy. And again Jeremy win. SImply.

Now that threw the structure away from Josh’s plan. He goes to try protect his alliance. The alliance is shaking and now everyone just just Josh’s group but also Jeremy’s group is going a bit awry.

For the chapter I believe the biggest thing is not just the structure or the 5Ms but the diversity . Culture, ethnicity, and other ideals mix this game and competition. And thus it started to work. They started to sway lose it take against it on Baylor. But in the end the focus were on Josh. The first plan was josh and even at a narrow escape of Baylor, Josh is voted out.

Which rebounds back to Jeremy who retakes his command over the group. And now the leadership is now , supposedly, going to be questioned not by individuals but by all the group against Jeremy. Why? Because if Jeremy keeps wining and protected. Jeremy will win the prize and the rest just followed and mentally everyone wants to win the prize so something will go down between the group and Jeremy once more where Jeremy’s leadership will be throttled again.