Blood vs Water, Group vs Individual

Throughout the first episode of season twenty-nine of Survivor it is apparent to see that the teams were just getting set up, people are trying to find this flow as they try to form different alliances in the midst of the greater team. From the start it was working within these teams and going against one’s own family in order to ultimately win it for your team no matter what ties are being tugged on to do so. As people found their part in the teams it was a jump over getting settled and straight into dealing with conflict and who is going to take charge in order to lead the group to winning. In life there are those people who are used to taking the role of leader, taking charge, making decisions but it was seen that not everyone is okay with one ultimate leader creating conflict within the tribe. Although it is seen as best to have someone take charge there are many who disagree with this concept wanting more of a group leading. In the episode both tribes did well in the performing stage knowing who was capable of what and who needed to do what everyone took part in their strengths, mentally and physically, to achieve the ultimate goal of immunity. Despite being able to work so well in a group the Coyopa tribe has hidden agendas weaved into everything being done from creating alliances based on sex as well as individual agendas as with Val and her secret immunity from being voted off. No matter how well the tribe will work together the goal is more of an individual goal with an intrinsic motivation rather than a group goal with each person in the tribe being there in order to help themselves. Within both groups there are different senses of motivation, some is based off an intrinsic goal for ones self or an intrinsic goal in order to prove ones self to be better than the family member of the opposing team; despite the tribe being able to find a flow together in this grand machine each one is there for themselves in order to achieve an individual goal through the group goal set.