BLPP in a nutshell…

Hey All…

Why not wrap-up my thoughts on BLPP using as the forum… I’ve actually been working with WordPress for over ten years now… Wow! Here’s my actual blog, which hasn’t been updated since… Whoops! January! And that’s not even the first blog I had… I wonder where that is… Oh wait, here it is. That was Blogger though, not WordPress. And I can’t believe it still exists.  I’ve had a couple blogs since then too. One was my personal website, which I abandoned for my own code. Here’s that one. For anyone who has a blog or tried to blog, blogs are actually pretty difficult to maintain. If you don’t keep updating it with new content, the site gets dated and looks kind of embarrassing (see all my blogs). The truth is, for me, a blog should contain novel content. And, today, there seems to be an underabundance of novel content across blogs. Take, for example, Mashable, which is a site I check out daily and consistently ranks in the top ten of blogs. It’s terrible. Anywho, I still like the WordPress.

Whoops, back to BLPP… While WordPress wasn’t something I picked up during the course of the past three months, I was introduced to a rich source of tools and tips for delivering blended content to students in addition to meeting some great CI faculty. One of the technologies I plan to adopt going forwards is asynchronous video. While video still hasn’t won me over because I’m very cautious about the media I use to deliver material, it will be an interesting experiment for me and one that I hope will provide students with supplemental course content. I do feel that I manage classroom time efficiently, it is simply impossible to get through all valuable technical information in the allotted class time. Additionally, students can’t be expected to digest all the information in the allotted class time. What I plan to do is offload some of the material I do not get to in the class (usually about 10-15 minutes worth) to voicethread and see where that takes me. Or, at least I’ll give it a shot. At the very least, the media will provide additional resources for students as they work on homework and other coursework.

Hi-Yo Sliver… Away!