Bon Voyage!

Here I am back home from acquiring more necessary items for this long awaited adventure. I purchased a brightly colored bandana from the craft store Michaels, to tie onto my upgraded luggage from Costco. In hopes that, it will not be confused with other checked baggage or get lost at the airport. Oddly enough, this bandana strategy has washed away my biggest worry. In any case, I’m overwhelmed with joy because in less then 24 hours I’ll be hopping on a plane to London! I’ll get to share this experience with 14 other awesome students who I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know over the last few weeks. I find myself constantly looking at the forecast in London and repacking. Some of you might have guessed that I’m a novice international traveler, and you would be right. This is going to be my first time traveling abroad and I’m ecstatic! 


(The above picture is from a few days ago when Bri, Amber, Monique and I met at the Camarillo Public Library to work on our group presentation due in London.)

Leading up to this has been an emotional roller coaster. The anxiety of waiting to hear who was chosen for Dr. Jenkins’ Intercultural and Design class was almost the death of me. Fortunately, the odds were in my favor and I made the cut. This summer Dr. J. has enlighten us on the six periods of architecture, dating back thousands of years. I now have a greater appreciation for everything that a building entails. Even more, he prepped us on London’s drastically different transit system. I cannot wait to explore the city! Incidentally, I have been dominating in the mobile app game called Trivia Crack. “What is the tallest building in the world?” Obviously, it’s the Burj Khalifa in Dubia! #humblebrag. Needless to say, five days in London is a brilliant way to end summer school. I’m so grateful for this opportunity to embrace London’s culture and architectural beauty! 

Sidenote: I am excited to go to Saint Paul’s Cathedral while in London. #blessed 

Xoxo A