Business Mind in an Interdisciplinary World

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image (2)Hi my name is Ruby Ortega and I am perusing a Bachelors of Science degree in Business and an Option in Marketing. I am a fourth year student here at CSU Channel Islands who will be graduating in the Spring of 2017. Even though I have one more year left looking back at the past 4 academic years seems so surreal, and I can’t help but be excited for what has yet to come.

Before I dive into my college endeavors I can’t bypass my true passion and what inspired me to pursue a Business degree in the first place, baking. As a child, I would sit and watch my mother create elaborate cakes for hours and before I knew it I was the one mixing all the ingredients together. After that I hadn’t put much thought into the idea of baking as a career, but then I was asked the questions, ” what do you want to major in and what are you gonna do after you get your degree”? At age 16 I went with what I knew best and that was to become an owner of my very own cupcake bakery. And as an aspiring entrepreneur wanting to open my own cupcake bakery majoring in Business was a given. At this point I am sure you can guess what my answers were to those questions.image (3)

Then age 18 came and the idea of majoring in business started to feel more like reality when I confirmed my acceptance to CSU Channel Islands. My experience here has been very unique and I am not just saying that because I go here but because it is true. I have been fortunate to have had Business classes that have taken traditional approaches on teaching and have altered them in an interdisciplinary manner. For example I took MKT 311 in which, was Consumer behavior. This course explored the world of marketing but also included the field of psychology and how different types of psychology were utilized to research consumers shopping habits and  preferences. This class was very interesting because it put into perspective how an entirely different field from business such as, psychology could translate into the business world. Another course I took that explored three fields at once was BUS 340 which was Business & Economics in Literature. This particular class was very unique in that the chosen texts for this course were playwrights. Now I know you may be thinking how does performing arts translate into  business  and economics? Well these playwrights were written around stories that focused on sensitive business and economic issues such as the poverty and unemployment rate  in the U.S and the housing market crisis. One project that I really enjoyed in BUS 340 was when we had to take on the role of being a marketing consultant advertising two plays. In which, we had to compose a marketing plan that compromised of promotion ideas, allocation of costs, lists  of real companies and third parties we would utilize to execute our marketing plan.

With this being said I am familiar exploring subjects or a selected topic among multiple disciplines. Researching topics in an interdisciplinary manner  do pose its challenges such as learning new terminology and concepts but at the same time it raises my appreciation for other majors. As well as makes me realize how intertwined different disciplines actually are.