Cambodian Operation

On May 10, 1970 Boris Pash of Chico, California wrote a letter to the members of Congress which included Harold T. “Bizz” Johnson in response to the “Cambodian Operation”  and his opinion on the display of enemy flags and symbols. The Cambodian operation took place in the 1970’s in which the US invaded the Cambodian territory. In the article he asks the readers to direct their attention to article 3, section 3 of the constitution when dealing with pro Vietnam protestors.

Boris Pash believed that the actions of President Nixon in the Cambodian operation were correct. In May of 1970 President Nixon let the world know on national television that the US was going to be invading Cambodia in order to stop supplies from being sent into to Vietnam and also to get rid of the troops that were hiding out in Cambodia. What the president had failed to mention is that the US had been bombing the Cambodian territory since 1969 without notifying the American people and US Senators. it wasn’t until after the invasion that the public learned about what had been going on in the territory. The letter was written before the additional information was released. The additional information would not have changed the outcome of the letter, because from tactical stand point the actions of the president were justified in Boris Pash’s eyes.

In the letter Boris Pash asks congress to take action and come up with a resolution in order to deal with protestors displaying the flags and symbols of the US enemies. During president Nixon’s announcement there were protestors that displayed the Vietnam flag in order to show support to the Vietnamese Vietcong. Boris Pash asked members of congress to look at section 3, article 3 of the constitution. This part of the constitution talks about treason and states how one could be convicted of treason. Boris Pash believes that people who oppose what the president is doing and are displaying the flag of the United States enemies should be convicted of treason. He believes that there should be something put in place to prevent this, because by displaying these images it empowers the US enemies and is a sign of weakness.

As mentioned early more information was released about what happened during the operations in Cambodia which shed light on what was actually going on and how the the president was handling it. No resolution was ever made regarding treason during this time especially after the additional information was released. Boris Pash urged that members of congress support president Nixon in his efforts in Cambodia however the outcome might not have come out the way he wanted after the information was released.