Can A Person’s Character Be Summed Up in 24 Points?

Today I took a self assessment test titled Values in Action Inventory of Strengths. The test required that I honestly answer 120 questions. From the answers I provided, 24 character strengths were generated – with number 1 being the strongest strength and 24 being the weakest.

My strengths are as follows:

  1. Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence
  2. Love of Learning
  3. Humor
  4. Perseverance
  5. Fairness
  6. Honesty
  7. Kindness
  8. Love
  9. Prudence
  10. Curiosity
  11. Hope
  12. Leadership
  13. Social Intelligence
  14. Bravery
  15. Teamwork
  16. Judgment
  17. Zest
  18. Humility
  19. Perspective
  20. Creativity
  21. Self-Regulation
  22. Forgiveness
  23. Gratitude
  24. Spirituality

When I received and reviewed my strengths, I was surprised that I actually agreed with what was generated. I have never been a fan of personality or character quizzes because I have always felt that they never truly nail the essence of who I am. This was the first test that actually got the gist of my character.

I was extremely satisfied with points one, two, and three (Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence, Love of Learning, & Humor). I feel that those three points alone truly describe me as a person.

In regards to point one, Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence, the assessment states that I “notice and appreciate beauty, excellence, and/or skilled performance in all domains of life, from nature to art to mathematics to science to everyday experience.” This is completely true! I have always viewed my surrounds and occurrences in an artistic way. My mother always tells me that I romanticize everything. I have always taken pleasure in the simplest things and I always try to find the beauty in everything. Yet, I have never been able to find the exact words to explain this to people, until now.

Point two was not a surprise to me, for I have always known that I love to learn; but I was surprised that it was number two on the list. It made me realize how much I value knowledge and growth in myself and others.

My favorite point was number three, humor. I grew up in a very humorous household led by the king funny man himself, my father. From him I learned my humorous ways. When people first met me, they do not expect such a trait from me. It isn’t until people get to know me that they witness my funny side. It is nice to see that this characteristic is viewed as a strength, for I have never really viewed it in that manner. I have always seen it as a social benefit rather than a character strength.

I think this assessment was fun and beneficial. I loved the results I received. I believe this assessment was able to describe my character perfectly. I would totally recommend it to others.