Cardiac Website: Cottage Health Heart and Vascular Center

This is the website of the Cottage Heart and Vascular Center. I found it interesting because it explains (in lay terms) all of the procedures (CABG, PCI, Ablation, etc) performed at our local hospital and what patients should expect. The interactive symptom checker, local cottage heart-hotline, and list of heart attack warning signs are all easy to navigate and seem helpful (also for those of us studying for a test!). While in a clinical rotation I once witnessed a PCI in the cardiac cath lab, and beforehand saw the pt give informed consent after the doctor explained the procedure extremely rapidly. The information on this website would have been extremely helpful to the pt before the emergency procedure– but how many people read up on cottage’s heart services when they’re feeling fine? The website also talks about how the hospital goal for all cardiac events is a 90 min or less timeline from door-to-“definitive treatment” since becoming a Cardiac Receiving Center and Level II Trauma Center for Santa Barbara County.