Cardiovascular Health + Technology

So in my search for this week’s assignment, I found myself reading an article about how mobile technology is being used in patient’s with cardiovascular disease. This immediately caught my eye because of the fact that the research a couple of classmates and myself are doing with our instructor focuses on mobile technology. The study focuses on enlisting as many people as possible and collecting information regarding their heart rate, pulse rate and blood pressure through the use of smartphones. The study wants to better understand the incidence of heart disease as well as geographically map trends. One of the patients highlighted was diagnosed with heart arrhythmias at the age of 19. She is now 49 and proudly joined the survey because of the positive impact the study promises. She wants to help out young athletes with heart arrhythmias continue to do what they love. Her athletic career was cut short because of her diagnosis but she hopes that by partaking in the study, doctors will be able to better understand the diagnosis and its implications regarding rigorous physical activity.

Leland, K. (2013). Study uses mobile technology to help predict and prevent heart disease. UCSF News. Retrieved from: