Carpinteria State Beach

Well this week has been truly busy, we had a Steve Whitiker come in and talk about sandy beach monitoring to the high school students that was Wednesday 2/17. Then on Thursday 2/18 the two high school classes went out to Carpinteria State Beach to finally do the research that we have been training them for. It was a long day and it started out with all of us going to the Sea Lion rookery that is right there. We saw a lot of seals and there were a number of pups there. So that was really cool for them to see. Then there was a state park ranger that came by and talked to the kids about the Chumash and the history of the beach. After that we had pizza for lunch and the kids had time to explore a bit.


Now the research begins. This was a very long day because it was very windy and there were a lot of students that came up to the rocky intertidal area at the same time so it got a little crowded but over all it went very well and I am very happy with how it all went.

The same thing happened with the middle school but there was no wind but the surf was still really high and there were a lot more of them but it still went very well.

our little rock has so many people
our little rock has so many people