Challenge #1 Digital Footprint Audit

Technology has become a really important tool in our lives. After searching myself in the internet I was really surprised of my findings. I use a lot of social media in order to stay communicated with my friends and family who don’t live near me, Even thou I have always kept in mind of how nothing is private, I never imagined of how much someone can know about myself by doing a simple google search. Although I did not find my Facebook directly, I did find my pinterest account. I was surprised to see my pinterest profile picture under the image search but I did not see any of the pictures I have on my Instagram nor on my Facebook. I was also really surprised on how I was able to find information about my academic achievements by searching my name and the name of the schools I have attended. Besides being surprised about the findings on this challenge I also became really aware of how nothing is private in the web. All the activities we have performed this past weeks have make me realized how important is to be more mindfully on what we decide to share online. We have enter an era where  companies search their interest applicants’ social media profiles in order to obtain more information about the individual’s personal life. It is very important to respect ourselves and to be wise about what we decide to share with our different social medias. Posting something inappropriate can bring really serious consequences; for instance it can  make the difference between obtaining a job opportunity or not.