Challenge 3 Component 2: Database Reasearch

This week we were asked to search for more articles on our topic of the refugee crisis, except we were given specific directions to search websites that are known for more credible resources. Searching the database from the library took me on a whole different path than searching the web.   I came across many articles from students and journalists, and there were so many more newspaper articles from all over the world. Reading these different articles made me realize that many people are becoming more aware about the refugee crisis and some of them are actually taking action. This particular article stressed the importance about how important it is to take action and help these people who are living a nightmare. ( ) It brings up how this crisis became such a big deal to the rest of the world, which I have mentioned in m previous posts. The three-year-old Syrian boy whose body washed up face down on the shore of Turkey made the whole world upset about this situation and wanting to take action. One of my biggest questions is “Why did it have to get so bad before anyone started helping?” This led me to searching through many more articles; then I stumbled upon one that was more about information, but information that made me a very happy camper. In England there is a group of university students who have created a committee that is having a march on October 16th at 7:00 PM in order to raise awareness and bring out the humanity in people around the world to want to make a difference. This inspired me to be a part of something like this in order to make the world realize that we need to be the change we want to see in the world.