challenge 3 component 3

What I did this week is search my topic ” Refugee Crisis” on twitter and Facebook. The first thing is I typed it in twitter and it popped up a lot of tweets about refugee crisis and updating every once in a while about a problem in the world. The one that got me the most was a recent tweet that happened and it was a man carrying a young boy which I think it was his son not to sure maybe his nephew. But it got to me because its sad seeing that there are young kid also suffering and having to move to different countries because of problems that are happening where they live. Its really a sad thing to imagine a kid fleeing with his family. Sometimes its just the kids that leave their own family at a really young age and have to travel by themselves. . On Facebook I found a post where it took you to a website that was about the European Commission and Turkey forming a plan on helping the refugees in their country. They also finding other ways on how to come up with the money so they can create more centers in there country.  A lot more other post showed up about how many countries are trying to solve this problem and how can they help refugees in their own country when they cross the border.   Still some countries are strict on refugees coming in from different countries and some are boosting up their security rates and guards to stop them.