Challenge 3, Component 3 – Social Media Opens Eyes

“What is the point of being alive, if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable?” – John Green

This week we were asked to search social media for insight on our topic. The refugee crisis is such a fresh topic that I was unsure if people even knew about it, but I was surprised that I was able to connect a previous article to an event on Facebook. The University in England that I mentioned in my last post has a page for the march they are going to put on for the refugees and to raise awareness. All of the pictures and posts that they have on their page brought tears to my eyes because they are making the change. 2.2 million people were invited to this even and as of now 503 people are planning to attend. Although I wish that number were bigger I am happy that some people realized the severity of this tragedy. When I searched the hash tag #refgueecrisis on Instagram, I was in awe. I found a picture that broke my heart. On a coastline there were hundreds of lifejackets washed up on the shore along with floating tubes. This made me think about how many people didn’t make it to a safer place and had to suffer such a tragic death. We are in the year 2015 people, this should not be happening. Everyone deserves a fare chance at life. After seeing this picture and seeing that people on the other side of the world are making a difference just makes me realize that we need to do the same.