challenge 3 post 1

Our assignment was to do research on one of the following topics we were assigned to do. I decided to do my research on refugee crisis because I wanted to learn more about then what I wanted to know. Also, using what i learned in the crap detection will help me figure out if the website was credible or not. so the first search engine I used was Google. I typed in Refugee Crisis and it gave me a  good amount of news articles and even tweets for refugee crisis.  It gave me some credible sources like Fox News and CNN that were uploaded 6 hours ago. The next search engine I used was bing. I never really use bing because I’m so used to just using Google. When I typed in refugee crisis in bing I got some credible sites and some that were crap. On this one website I found it looked unprofessional and had a lot of pop ups that I had to exit. I thought I was going to get a virus or something just for opening this website. The third search engine I used was doggrel. I never heard of it but i wanted to give it a try and see what I could find. I found a lot of websites that looked phony and still gave me ads and it looked like they just uploaded a while ago. The only one that gave me valid site would have to be google.